Lipa SuperPay

by Lipa SuperPay



Lipa StoresThrough this page, you can check and find the nearby store, category of products, items and payment process. Let’s look one by one and get familiar with this page.Category Page It’s the first interface that you can see after launching the app. You will find numerous offers from multiple shop owners on top of the app which will be sliding one by one in a particular manner.Store List In this section, you will find all the stores present around your residence and you know whats one of the most unique features in this app? You can exactly identify the distance of the stores from your residence.Store Page From this section, you can gather all the information of any particular store; means you can check all the items sold by that particular shop, the pricing of the products, the distance from your residence, how much discount there is and much more.Store Cart You can select your desired products from the Store Page and then add to cart all those items. Now you have all of these items in your cart and you will be directed to this page.Payment Method Now when you have added all the required items in your cart, you will be directed to the Payment Page after clicking “Checkout.”Lipa SuperPay Wallet with the Lipa SuperPay Wallet, you can easily add balance and send money from one wallet to another one wallet within seconds.Scan QR Code You can easily scan QR code to pay any amount to anyone. You can earn points too by paying through QR code to the merchants.Send Balance Through Mobile Number Paying through the Mobile Phone Number is very easy and the most convenient way.Payment through UPI ID You can also pay through your UPI id to any merchant for purchasing products from them.Pay at Store & Collect There is one more option, you can go to the shop and pay there like traditional cases. Its not bad though and most of us are paying like that only.Lipa RechargeMobile Phone Recharge: You can recharge your mobile phone number and for your friends and family. You just need to enter a mobile number or choose the contact from your contact list.PrepaidPostpaidDTH Recharge: Any sort of DTH Payment can be done through this app. You can also repeat the same thing again by just a simple one click.Fastag: You can do all kinds of Fastag recharge within a minute effortlessly.Lipa Bill PaymentsYou can also pay Bills for your continuous facilities with this awe-inspiring app.ElectricityInsuranceGasWaterBroadbandLandlineCable TvMunicipalityLoan PaymentsGas CylinderSo, you can pay the Bills of these things through this flagship program from your house. You can get discounts while recharging with this process.Lipa RewardsPoint SystemStamp SystemVoucher SystemCustomized Rewards2 Steps Redemption ProcessWe hope you have liked the benefits and functionality of this app, and are willing to try it out. You will love it because its very simple and user-friendly to navigate in the app.